Wednesday, May 10, 2006

I Did it!

I will try to post more tomorrow... just wanted to let everyone know (a bit belatedly), that I survived (and enjoyed) the mini-marathon this weekend. Click this link to see my race photos. There's a photo of me with my medal after the finish line. I think I'm doing a pretty good job of pretending not to be in pain, aren't I? Then you can scroll through the million and three photos they took of me crossing the finish line. I feel like a celebrity! All that in about .3 seconds, I'm telling you.

Oh, and in other news... I started school today! It was a lot of fun and I'd love to write more, but my other class starts at 8am tomorrow, which means I need to be OUT THE DOOR at 6:30 AM. yay.


jaclyn said...

totally (insane). and totally! (you should do it!).

Anonymous said...

wow, your new life sounds so exciting!! Gambatte for your study!!