Thursday, February 15, 2007


I have a fabulous cold, which is not surprising considering that
a) It is February.
b) It is currently 6 degrees F.
c) My husband had one.
d) I have a paper due on Monday
e) I'm flying to CA for a wedding this weekend.

Whopee!!! Oh well- colds happen. I skipped my morning pool workout since swimming makes my nose run on a normal day... whoulda known what would have happened this morning. I'm taking my workouts serviously these days as I've begun training for both my fourth Indianapolis Mini Marathon and my very first sprint triathlon. You can keep me accountable by checking my workout log on the Beginner Triathlete website.

So who else out there isn't embarassed to admit they watch American Idol? I got totally addicted last season when it was one of the only American TV shows we could watch in Tokyo. I got really annoyed with the audition shows this year (couldn't they have compiled that down into two shows or something?), but this week has been much more interesting. I felt really bad for that one girl, Bailey, who chose the "BFFs" and got totally screwed. I was doubly bummed when the last remaining "BFF" got into the top 24. I am not an Antonella fan. Boo! So far my two favorites are two of the women- Gina, the girl who got cut last season and is back, and Melissa (?), the girl who is a really shy back-up singer... she's amazing and really cute!! I also like Jordin, the 17 year old whose Dad is something famous (I don't rememer what).

How 'bout that for brainless chat on a Thursday morning? cheers!

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