Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Racin' in N'Orleans

Hi gang, Just in from New Orleans! Tom and I headed down there (flying through Chi-town *just* before the storm shut the place down) Saturday evening as he was running the marathon (his first in 13 years) and I was running the 5k and support crew.

PRE-RACE: Turns out there is a major medical conference in town this week and we got stuck waiting in line with all of them for a shuttle. Didn't get into the hotel 'till late. Tom discovered his Garmin batteries were dead & I decided I was hungry so we wandered into our fairly sketch-o-rific neighborhood (north on Canal Street) to find both. Found a Walgreens and stocked up on H20, granola bars, batteries, and gummy Curious Georges. After all that it was after 9 so we decided to order in... Dominos it is. Crashed on a full stomach.

RACE DAY: Alarm went off at 5am and we crawled out and got gear ready. Since we had arrived late we still had to go pick up our packets (which woulda freaked ME out big time had I been doing a marathon... but my man's from Hawaii and totally a *no problem* type). So- out the door to the Superdome in the pitch black. They were still just setting up the start/finish line when we got there. We got our bright purple mardigras race t-shirts (cotton short sleeve for me/high-tech long sleeve but one size too small for him and the half-marathoners). Tom realized he didn't have his knee band so we decided to go back to the hotel since there was still an hour till the marathon/half marathon start. Ran back from the hotel and stretched, people watched near the start. It was chilly but nothing like WINTER like where we'd come from. Tom was having issues getting hooked up with a satelite for his Garmin and was lucky the start was a bit late. And then at a little after 7am they were off!! Between the race t-shirts and the substantial TNT presence it was quite the sea of purple!!

A little before 7:15 we 5k-ers lined up (the whole time the marathon & half marathoners were still starting the race which was a little odd...). I stood next to and chatted with another woman whose husband was in the marathon. She mentioned she wanted her husband to do Goofy and I broke it to her that it was full... etc. etc. Then we were off!!

I haven't run a 5k in years and years and can't even remember what my PR. The first race I ever ran in 2000 was 33 and I know in Chicago at some point I ran 27 something. After the marathon last fall, ITBS recovery this winter, Disney in Januaray and now starting tri-training I needed a break, mentally. At the start I decided to JUST.RUN. So I did and it felt really good. I barely caught the first mile marker and looked down- 8:12:xx. Okay... I feel okay, and thought I just might be able to hang on. At the same time, I gave myself permission not to, if it wasn't going to happen. I just went with it. Didn't see any other mile markers which made that easier. The course was a lap around the dome, then down Poydras to a turn around, back to and past the dome, another turn around and then back to the finish in front of the dome. I started really huffing and I could totally feel that I was pushing but I decided to try to keep up the pace. I was hot and my shins hurt. I could see the stadium looming ahead for for-ever. Finally could see the final turn around. I passed this guy who'd started walking and cheered him on "you're almost there, man!!" but he didn't start running. There was this other tiny little lady in front of me with Lone Star running shorts and she started in with a walking break. I passed her, did the turn around and heard her start running. Determined not to let her pass me, I pushed it into what high gear I had left and took off. I was wearing my running skirt and was a tad worried about where it was going due to my longer than usual strides! And then I was at homestretch, with the bridge above and the photographer and there was no one else- JUST ME! And there was only 25:12 on the clock. So I booked it and flew in and finished!!

My final time was 25:15. I was *13th* in all the women... not age group... TOTAL!! When Tom told me that I freaked!! There were only 193 women total, but STILL!! totally excited. So back to the important race... I ran back to the hotel, showered in 5 seconds, got dressed, slapped a cap on and ran back to the dome to catch my man at the halfway point (he came in just under 2:01:xx. He looked good and I gave him some water and gummies. As he headed back around the Dome I walked to find a cab... that took forever too. Finally found one, got dropped off, and walked to mile 17. I only made it about 5 minutes before he did. It was in a lovely New Orleans neighborhood. Saw the man then sat down to wait for him to come back on the way back in. REALLY enjoyed cheering on the runners. It was a relatively small race (just over 1,000 marathoners) and not many spectators. It was starting to get warm and there were sparse water stops, so when Tom headed back past me I let him take my water bottle to fill up his. He looked hot and tired, but was still running strong. He passed and I headed out to find another taxi back to the dome.

Took a day and a half to get a taxi. I'd told Tom I might not make it before he finished, but I really wanted too and I got panicked when no one was stopping... and I didn't feel like walking the 4 miles back!!Finally, someone stopped and got me there, I ran the blocks through the stopped traffic and ran up to the finish chute about 60 seconds before he came hurtling through!!! He nailed, I mean nailed 4:00. I think officially 4:00:21. He was bummed because his hams had cramped up (was probably dehydrated after training in winter/running in summer) right after I'd left him. BUT he was happy to finihs strong.

POST-RACE: We headed back up to the upper Dome and were thrilled to find: red beans and rice, a serve yourself beer truck, subway, and fruit & bananas. Unfortunately the only water and gatorade was down at the finish line... so we were forced to tank up on beer. The medals were pretty hideous- Tom's is large with lime green enamel and mardi gras masks, mine is small with enameled mardi gras masks and both have the traditional purple, green, yellow neck bands. Okay, not terrible but the lime enamel is pretty grody. ANYWAY, this is getting long- it was a fun, fun day and the longer post race involved a lot (too much) delicious food- jambalaya, gumbo, fish, fish, fish, crayfish, crab, beignets, etc. etc. now *I* really need to run a marathon!!

Cheers for reading, we both recommend the race. jaclyn

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Sneak Peak of Summer

This weekend I got a fabulous glimpse of what above freezing is like. At this moment I'm sitting on the floor in the airport in Sacramento, California where it is distinctly and enviably WAY over 32 degrees. It was more than a little lovely to run in a t-shirt (and my running skirt) yesterday- Out Side. Truly delicious. I know there are people (my husband, my uncle Art) who swear life would be better lived in a climate that didn't include winter (or even fall or spring), but I remain unconvinced for the exact reaction I had to this weather treat of California. Would I really be able to appreciate the soul warming, nasal drip busting, color-in-your cheeks producing climate contrast if I lived in summer 365 days a year? My answer is a no. I promise you I was the only one raving about the weather all weekend. All those spoiled Califonia-ites were just going through their Saturdays like every other Saturday... albeit a little gratefull the rain had stopped. But ME? I was absolutely thrilled, postively thanking God Above for the day and a couple halves that I could go outside without my lungs shrinking up in pain from inhaling the ice crystal air of Detroit.

I just love that holiday weather can get me through an entire Michigan February. And I am undeniably happy to have another warm weather trip planned for next weekend. Because now the thought of heading back home where everyone is looking forward to the temperature climbing *just* above freezing tomorrow for the first time since January... is not a happy one at all.


Thursday, February 15, 2007


I have a fabulous cold, which is not surprising considering that
a) It is February.
b) It is currently 6 degrees F.
c) My husband had one.
d) I have a paper due on Monday
e) I'm flying to CA for a wedding this weekend.

Whopee!!! Oh well- colds happen. I skipped my morning pool workout since swimming makes my nose run on a normal day... whoulda known what would have happened this morning. I'm taking my workouts serviously these days as I've begun training for both my fourth Indianapolis Mini Marathon and my very first sprint triathlon. You can keep me accountable by checking my workout log on the Beginner Triathlete website.

So who else out there isn't embarassed to admit they watch American Idol? I got totally addicted last season when it was one of the only American TV shows we could watch in Tokyo. I got really annoyed with the audition shows this year (couldn't they have compiled that down into two shows or something?), but this week has been much more interesting. I felt really bad for that one girl, Bailey, who chose the "BFFs" and got totally screwed. I was doubly bummed when the last remaining "BFF" got into the top 24. I am not an Antonella fan. Boo! So far my two favorites are two of the women- Gina, the girl who got cut last season and is back, and Melissa (?), the girl who is a really shy back-up singer... she's amazing and really cute!! I also like Jordin, the 17 year old whose Dad is something famous (I don't rememer what).

How 'bout that for brainless chat on a Thursday morning? cheers!

Tuesday, February 13, 2007


Here's a peak into our new home. Its still a mess and we have a long list of decorating/painting "To Dos", but it is incredibly cozy and warm, which is critical since we're now back in Winterland.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Happy Tuesday

My muse recommends that I continue writing. Since I've neglected my blog for so long, I am going to ignore the guilt that comes with re-starting a journal after life changing events. Besides, there's no one out there who doesn't realize I have quit my job, moved to Michigan, started grad school, run a marathon and gotten married since finishing my previous blog, right?

Okay, then I'm going to use the inspiration of my peer bloggers and start the writing juices flowing by using memes, and I'll go a day into the future and do a Tuesday meme so that someone can jump in and join me on the right day (or just because all the Monday memes sucked).

10 things you Worry about:
(I won't even pretend to put these in order)

1. The health of my family & friends
2. My own health (particularly athletic and mental)
3. Being a good wife/being a healthy couple
4. Schoolwork (that's why I'm doing this instead)
5. Future career (where, what, will they like me?)
6. Making money (now & in the future)
7. Eating well (more fruit & fewer granola bars!)
8. Waking up on time
9. Our house (cleaning & decorating & just getting the clothes off the floor).
10. What to wear every day (this is way down the list... but I do worry sometimes- now that I'm almost 30 I don't think I should be wearing overalls in public... at least not the ones I was wearing in college.)